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Setting up a Node.js project

I won't be covering the theory behind this so please visit their website to learn more about Node.js

Installing Node.js

Navigate to Node.js, download and install it. I personally use a Version Manager called NVM, this gives me the flexibility to use multiple versions of Node.js.

Project setup

project-name-here is the name of your project.

mkdir $project && cd $project

Run the following command to inittialize npm

npm init -y

Git setup

This is an optional step, but it is recommended ... I mean, who doesn't want to use Git? 😆

Add the folder to a local git repo

git init

Create a file called .gitignore and add the following line


This prevents the node_modules folder from being committed to the repo.

Whooo! 🥳 You're done setting up a Node.js project, please continue with the guide ...

Last update: February 5, 2023 11:36:20
Created: February 5, 2023 11:36:20
